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Tutorial - Language and Syntax changes in VB.Net for VB6 Programmers

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If you are a VB6 programmer and want to learn then it will be easier for you but still you need to learn new language and syntax changes in This article is for VB6 programmers who are moving to New programmers can skip this article, we will cover each language feature in detail in "Language Features" article.

Option Statements

VB had option statements to allow us to override the default behavior of compiler. also supports the same concept. Following options are supported in

Option Explicit [On | Off] : If Value is [On] then you must declare variable before you use it. By enabling this option can prevent some common programming mistakes. Default value is [On].

Option Strict [On | Off] : If Value is [On] then automatic type casting won't happen means Integer variable can not be assigned to Long variable without using CLng(). Default value is [Off] so compiler will do automatic type casting for you.

Option Compare [Binary | Text] : If Value is [Binary] then strings are compared using binary compare algorithm. Default value is [Binary].

Option Base : This Option is no longer supported in

Note : You can apply module level option by adding Option statement on the very top. To enable Project Level Setting goto Project -> Properties -> Build.

Data Type Changes

In introduces several new datatypes which can affect VB6 programmers. Some of very important changes in datatypes are all native datatypes are now Object so now not only "real" Object is Object but native datatype like Integer, Boolean, String ... also Object. Another major change is datatype size change in Integer and Long datatype. Lets take a look in detail.

Integer type (Integer, Long, Short, Byte) changes
- Byte (8 Bit) : This is unchanged in and can hold 0 to 255.
- Short (16 Bit): This is new in Short is same size datatype as VB6 Integer datatype. Short can hold -32,768 to +32,767
- Integer (32 Bit): Integer data type is changed in In VB6 it used to be 2 Bytes but now its 4 Bytes. In Integer can hold -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
- Long (64 Bit): Long data type is changed in In VB6 it used to be 4 Bytes but now its 8 Bytes. In Long can hold -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Personally I liked Integer datatype change from 16 bit to 32 bit. Now Integer is consistent with SQL Server Int datatype and which will reduce many programming bugs.

Floating Point Division still preserve the old Single and Double datatypes but divide by zero behaviour is different. Now the following code will note generate any error but it will show Infinity.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim a, b as Integer
Msgbox(a / b)

This is bit surprising but it meets the IEEE standard.

Replacing Currency with Decimal

In VB6 Currency datatype was used to represent large floating point number but now no more Currency datatype in but you can use Decimal datatype which is 128 bit datatype.

Char Datatype

In VB6 we used to have Byte datatype to store 1 byte information. You can store anything between 0-255. You can also store single ASCII character but now we have another datatype "Char" which is 2 Bytes datatype so now you can not only store ASCII Character (1 Byte) but also you can store Unicode character (2 Byte).

Changes in String Datatype has the same String datatype but internals are changed. In any alteration to String causes New string to be created. So the following statement will create new string instead of changing the existing string.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim s as String="This is test"
s=s & " ... "

This is surely performance hit but still its transparent to the developers.

Another change from VB6 to is now no more fixed length string. So the following statement is invalid in

Click here to copy the following block
Dim s as String * 50

Variant datatype is gone doesn't support Variant datatype but same thing is provided by Object datatype since every datatype is Object in

CType statement

CType statement is a new casting feature in CType can be used to cast object with one datatype to another datatype. CType also gives you design time intellisense.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim o as Object
o=New CStudent()
Msgbox (CType(o,CStudent).Age)

Declaration Changes

Multiple declaration

In you can declare multiple variables by specifying datatype once. In VB6 if you declare variable using Dim i,j,k,l as Integer then i,j,k are declared as Variant and only l is declared as Integer but now things has been changed in here is the example

Click here to copy the following block
Dim i as Integer, j as Integer, k as Integer, l as Integer

Dim i,j,k,l as Integer

Declaring initial value

In you can set initial value while declaring the variable

Click here to copy the following block
Dim s as String

Dim s as String="Hello"

Dim as New

When you declare object using the following code in VB6 some weird things happen which you might not be aware of it.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim o as New CStudent

Here, it looks like object is created and memory is allocated because we used "New" keyword but that is not true. In VB6 object is not created until its accessed first time somewhere in the code....(Huhhhhh I didn't know that) Yes... VB6 compiler inserts object initialization code just before first time access of the object. This is surely performance hit. But now in you can expect what you see in your code ... means when you use "New" keyword object is initialized immediately.

Scoping Change now supports block level scope for variable. Let's take a look at the following example

Click here to copy the following block
'VB6 : Error => Duplicate declaration in current scope
Dim i As Integer
i = 5
If i > 0 Then
  Dim a
  a = "Yes"
  MsgBox a
  Dim a
  a = "No"
  MsgBox a
End If

The above code is invalid in VB6 but its totally valid in VB6 only support Variable Scope upto Procedure level and supports block level scope means if you declare variable in a block (If...Else, Try...Catch, For...Next, While...Loop) your variable is valid only for that block.

Changes to Arrays

Zero based arrays

Array in is now zero based this means you can not declare array starting with 1 index which used to be in VB6.

Click here to copy the following block
'//Valid Code in VB6
Dim a(1 to 10) as Integer '// 10 elements array starting from index 1

'//Invalid Code in, Syntax is no longer supported in
Dim a(1 to 10) as Integer '// 10 elements array starting from index 1

'//Valid in VB6 and both
Dim a(9) as Integer '// 10 elements array starting from index 0

Declaring Array

Now in you can assign initial values when you declare your array

Click here to copy the following block
Dim a1() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} '//Single Dimensional Array
Dim a2(,) As Object = {{100, "Honda"}, {101, "BMW"}, {102, "Toyota"}} '//Two Dimensional Array

Changes to User Defined Types

The concept of UDT (User defined type) allows you to create your own complex datatype. In VB6 you can write code as below to create Student datatype

Click here to copy the following block
Public Type StudentInfo
  ID as Integer
  Age as Integer
  FirstName as string
  LastName as String
End Type

The same thing you can do in using "Structure" instead of "Type". doesn't support "Type" Keyword. Structure is more powerful and flexible then VB6 type. Structure can have their own sub/functions and properties just like a user defined Class but there is a clear difference between class and structure which we will see in detail in the "Language Features" chapter.

Click here to copy the following block
'// Structure example

Public Structure SudentInfo
  Private m_ID As Integer
  Public Age As Integer
  Public FirstName As String
  Public Lastname As String
  Public Property ID() As Integer
      Return m_ID
    End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
      If Value <= 0 Then
        m_ID = 0
        m_ID = Value
      End If
    End Set
  End Property
  Public Function FullName() As String
    Return FirstName + " " + Lastname
  End Function
End Structure

Changes to Collections

VB6 had a collection datatype which was native. also supports the same functionality but now we have more classes to implement functionality like collection. All collection classes are in System.Collections namespace in and VB6 style collection is in Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.

Here is the list of new collection classes in
  • ArrayList : Implements single dimension array whose size grows dynamically as elements are added.
  • BitArray : Implements a single dimension array of Boolean values which are stored internally as single bits, Providing a very compact way to organize list of Boolean values.
  • HashTable : Implements a collection of Key-Value pairs that are organized based on hash value of the Key. This allows very fast and efficient storage and retrieval based on key value.
  • Queue : Implements FIFO (First In First Out) structure
  • Stack : Implements LIFO (Last In First Out) structure.
  • SortedList : Implements a sorted list of Key-Value pairs

Now lets see the collection examples VB6 style collections and in style collections

Click here to copy the following block
'//took 33 sec to fill and 0.5 sec to read 100,000 items
Sub FillVB6Col()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim vb6Col As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection
  For i = 0 To 1000000
    vb6Col.Add("Item" & i, "Key" & i)         '//Add Key-value Pair
End Sub

'//took 9 sec to fill and 0.2 sec to read 100,000 items
Sub FillVBNetCol()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim vbnetCol As New System.Collections.Hashtable
  For i = 0 To 1000000
    vbnetCol.Add("Item" & i, "Key" & i)        '//Add Key-value Pair
End Sub

Look at the performance difference between VB6 Collections and hashTable which gives you the same functionality as VB6 collection but the difference is huge in performance. Hashtable is quite faster than Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection so try to avoid that in your code unless you have specific reason to use that.

New Arithmetic Operators supports some new handy way to do common arithmetic operations. Here is the list of new arithmetic operators

Addition : i=i+5 ==> i+=5
Subtraction : i=i-5 ==> i-=5
Multiplication : i=i*5 ==>
Division : i=i/5 ==> i/=5
Integer division : i=i\5 ==> i\=5
Exponent : i=i^5 ==> i^=5
String Concatenation : i=i & "Hello" ==> i&="Hello"

Bit Shift Operators

This is probabbly the most important operator change in is possible to write programs for your entire life and never need to use a bit shift operator, but if you are involved in mathematical programming, such as cryptography or graphics, then you will probably use them quite often. In addition to complex math, bit shifting is often used when working with older code, including the Win32 API, as developers would take a single larger data type, such as a 32-bit Integer value, and use that space to store multiple values, such as two 16 bit values.

Shifting to the Left or the Right
There are two operators:
  • << for shifting a specified number of bits to the left (towards the "high order" bits)
  • >> for shifting to the right.

If a shift operation causes some number of bits to go outside of an underlying data type, then those bits are discarded. Empty bit positions created by the shift operation are always filled with 0s in a left shift operation and in a positive right shift operation. If a negative number of bit places is requested in a right shift operation (myNumber >> -4), then the vacated bit positions are filled with 1s.

The following diagram illustrates what happens when a 16-bit integer is shifted four places to the right. The four "low order" bits are discarded and the four "high order" bit positions are filled with 0s.

The above figure corresponds to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Click here to copy the following block
Dim originalValue, newValue As Int16
originalValue = 21282
newValue = originalValue >> 4

Breaking Apart a Multipart Value

The most common example to use shift operator is splitting R,G,B component from 32 bit value. Lets take a look at the folloing figure.

Now using shift operator you can write the following code to extract R, G and B

Click here to copy the following block
Dim myColor As Integer = 16773073
Dim R, G, B As Byte
R = myColor >> 16
G = (myColor And &HFF00) >> 8
B = (myColor And &HFF)

Well above example was just to show how to use shift operator, actually we coule have done the exact same thing using inbulit .Net class System.Drawing.ColorTranslator which gives several methods to do color conversion.

No Set Statement

One of the most confusing syntax in the previous version of VB was Set statement. You use Set statement when assigning objects to variables. But now in no more confusion when you assign object to variables. Assignment is same as regular variable assignment.

Click here to copy the following block
'//VB6 Syntax
Dim c as Customer
Set c = New Customer

'// Syntax
Dim c as Customer
c = New Customer

Changes to Property Routines

Since there is no Set statement in we can thing like there must be some changes with Property procedures too. In Property procedure now only contains Get and Set Procedures. No Let procedure in

Click here to copy the following block
'//VB6 Code
Public Property Get Age() As Integer
  Age = m_Age
End Property
Public Property Let Age(Value As Integer)
  m_Age = Value
End Property

'// Code
Public Property Age() As Integer
    Age = m_Age
  End Get
  Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
    m_Age = Value
  End Set
End Property

You can see that in Property procedures are made consistent. also changes the ReadOnly, WriteOnly and Default property implementation. In VB6 to implement we only had to write Get procedure and to implement WriteOnly we had to implement Let or Set property but now things are more clear in

Click here to copy the following block
'// ReadOnly/WriteOnly Properties example
Public ReadOnly Property SSN() As String
    SSN = "666-66-6666"
  End Get
End Property

Public WriteOnly Property Age() As Integer
  Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
    m_Age = Value
  End Set
End Property

Another change in Property routines is Default property. In VB6 you had to choose property type (Default) and there was no visible effect in the code so it was very obscure. Now things are much clear since you use Default keyword.

Click here to copy the following block
Default Property Phone(ByVal PhoneType As String) As String
    Phone = colPhones.Item(PhoneType)
  End Get
  Set(ByVal Value As String)
    If colPhones.ContainsKey(PhoneType) Then
      colPhones.Item(PhoneType) = Value
      colPhones.Add(PhoneType, Value)
    End If
  End Set
End Property

Dim myPerson As New Person

Structured Error Handling

This is one of the major changes in from VB6 world. VB6 was always criticized because of lacking feature for structured error handling. now supports Try..Catch..Finally Blocks to trap your error with in a specified block. Let's take a look at an example.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim IsFileCopied As Boolean
  System.IO.File.Copy(strSourcePath, strDestPath)
  IsFileCopied = True
Catch ex As Exception
  IsFileCopied = False
  MsgBox("Is File Copied ? :" & IsFileCopied.ToString)
End Try

You can put any code between try and catch. If error occurs then any code in Catch block is executed. Code inside Finally block is always executed. You can also write multiple Catch block to trap different exceptions and take different actions on different errors.

Click here to copy the following block
Dim IsFileCopied As Boolean

  System.IO.File.Copy(strSourcePath, strDestPath)
  IsFileCopied = True
Catch ex As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
  MsgBox("File not found")
  IsFileCopied = False
Catch ex As Exception
  MsgBox("Unknown error")
  IsFileCopied = False
  MsgBox("Is File Copied :" & IsFileCopied.ToString)
End Try

Even though we have new structured error handling in we can still use old "On Error GoTo errHandler" type code. You can also use "On Error Resume Next" but I would highly recommend to use Try..Catch error handling code. Since we have Try..Catch Block we have now "Exit Try" statement to quit code execution from the try catch block.

Procedure Changes

There are number of changes in how procedures (sub, functions and other methods) are called and created.

Parentheses are required on Procedure Calls

VB6 allowed you to call sub or function by just name but now its no more supported in Parentheses are must while calling Sub or Function in and also worth noting that while creating Object you need Parentheses.

ByVal Default for all Parameters

In VB6 most parameters were passed ByRef. Even though you don’t specify ByRef VB6 will pass all parameters ByRef means called procedure get actual reference of the parameter so any changes made to the parameters reflects back to the actual variable.

Now in by defauly all Parameters are pass ByVal so procedure gets a copy of parameters.

Optional Parameters Require Default Value

In VB6 we had optional parameter which is also true in but few things have been changed in
VB6 allowed you to define Optional Parameters of Variant type and you can use IsMissing function to check whether value is passed or not but in since there is no Variant datatype so we don't have IsMissing function. In you can not leave Optional Parameter without any default value.

Return Statement

In VB6 you used to return the value from function by simply assigning value back to function. i know this is bit confusing for who thing about recursion but that was the way how values were returned from function but now we have more clear way to do that. You can now use "Return" Statement to return the value from function. "Return" also exit the Sub, Function or Property.

Changes to Event Handling

Declaring events and firing events from class is same as VB6 but handing events is different to VB6 developer.

Click here to copy the following block
'//VB6 Event Example
Private WithEvents myObj As MyClass
Private Sub myObject_MyEvent(strMsg As String)
  MsgBox strMsg
End Sub

'// Event Example
Private WithEvents myObj As MyClass
Private Sub MyEventHandler(ByVal strMsg As String) Handles myObj.MyEvent
  MsgBox (strMsg)
End Sub

So only difference in VB6 and is "Handles" keyword and in you can have any name as your Event Sub (Event Handler). also allows you to handle multiple events using one Event handler routine as shown below.

Click here to copy the following block
'// : Multiple event handling example
Private WithEvents myObj1 As MyClass
Private WithEvents myObj2 As MyClass
Private Sub MyEventHandler(ByVal strMsg As String) Handles myObj1.MyEvent1, myObj2.MyEvent1, myObj2.MyEvent2
  MsgBox (strMsg)
End Sub


So far we have gone through couple of important changes in for VB6 programmer’s point of view. I haven't covered all changes and new features in but you will learn as you walk through the tutorial series. I would like to hear from you about this article.

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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